Double Glazing Stratford

Stratford-upon-Avon is one of the UK’s most historic towns, and many of its home and business owners head straight to Pinnacle Windows when they are in need of brand new windows that will serve them well for many years to come. The town is home to a host of world-famous attractions, many of which are related to its most famous former resident William Shakespeare. These include his birthplace and the former home of his wife, Anne Hathaway as well as the ex-residence of his daughter, Hall’s Croft. Read on to find out more about double-glazing in Stratford.

Energy-efficient solutions

When homes lack quality windows, people can find themselves met not only with reduced comfort and warmth but higher energy bills too. The windows that we provide are designed to provide you with the energy-efficiency you require, whilst enhancing the visual appeal of your home. We can provide you with windows that hold in heat, block out sound from outside and add value to your property.

A wider range of options

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today if you are looking for products such as single and double hung sash windows, pivot, tilt and slide windows, horizontal sliding windows, stained glass and decorative windows, skylight and roofing windows and more. We have provided first-class windows for a wide range of residential and business customers across the Stratford-upon-Avon area and are always on hand to provide you with advice if you do need help with selecting the right products for your specific needs. What’s right for one building won’t always work for another, but we can use our experience and expertise to deliver tailored advice based on requirements. We are a highly reputable company that can fit your windows properly and provide a guarantee to cover you. What’s more is that all fittings are safe, secure and meet British standards. If you have had wooden windows for a very long time and they have started to rot, you may need to act as soon as possible.

Double-glazing from Pinnacle

At Pinnacle, we specialise in providing double-glazed windows that help you enhance the warmth, security and comfort of your property. There are many great reasons for opting for double-glazing when you are in need of solutions that will serve you well for years. Double-glazing can stop you returning home to a freezing cold house after a long day at work and stop heat being transferred to the outside of your home. This is all thanks to the way they trap air between their glass panels.

Keep the heat inside the home

Up to 70% of the heat can be lost from a home with single-glazed windows, so it really does make sense to invest in double-glazing if you haven’t already. If you do have double-glazed windows in need of repair, we can restore them to their former glory or provide brand new replacements if needed. It’s also much harder for would-be intruders to break into double-glazed windows, especially if the windows are laminated or include toughened glass. Why not get in touch with us today to find out more about our windows in Stratford-upon-Avon? You can reach us today by calling us on 01527522019 or by using the contact form on our website.